
Continue shopping: OR pay for your purchase by clicking the Paypal Button below:

If you are having trouble seeing the Paypal button or purchasing through this site – please re-load the site through the Mozilla Firefox web browser. This usually fixes any glitches! We have been notified that on some people’s computers, it only allows them to purchase one ticket at a time, rather than multiple tickets. Changing the browser can fix the issue, but if it still won’t allow you to purchase more than one, please purchase one ticket at a time and do that as many times as you need to! Sorry for that – our web people have checked and there is nothing wrong at this end. I apologise for any inconvenience if you are trying to purchase more than one ticket at a time. Thank you.

Please note that you do not have to have a Paypal account to purchase David Wolfe tickets. If you click on the button above, it will take you to a secure page where you can pay choose to pay by credit card.